Saturday, July 19, 2014

What have I experienced??? 6th grade

Many OCD sufferers (as well as many online sources) claim that symptoms begin to intensify during the teen or young-adult years. If I recall correctly, my childhood was not affected at all by OCD; sure maybe I was a bit of a hypochondriac and checked physical symptoms online and in the mirror to help keep calm and assure myself that I was being overdramatic and that I did not just contract some form of a deadly disease, but other than that my OCD was relatively mellow.

The first real barrage of worries came in 6th grade. Remember the December 21, 2012 doomsday scare that everyone was talking about? Well I was deathly afraid of the world ending at that time (this is not limited to OCD sufferers; many individuals experience tension and anxiety about thoughts of death or the apocalypse. But those with OCD will have these bad thoughts overcome their daily life for prolonged periods of time), and I worried about it for months (the majority of the year actually). Every day I would wonder "is this a logical thing to believe?" and I would begin to question the scientists who disproved the theory (sometimes their words of wisdom were beneficial to me, other times not so much).

Every time something about 2012 came up, I would get sick with butterflies in my stomach, nervousness, and just all out fright. When would it ever end? Luckily, my obsessions were still rather mild at this time (although I was still scared stiff!), and eventually I set my worries aside for more important matters.Yes, I was still slightly concerned for what the future had to offer, but I got over it and as time went on my worries about 2012, while still existent, drifted away. The day where all was set to be destroyed came and went; from then on my fears about doomsday screeched to a halt. The next school year would be far more nerve-wracking when my OCD started to bloom. 

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