From what I have experienced, even though a lot of my worries in general pertain to the same subject, I will tend to go through different "periods" of worry. These "periods" typically still relate to the overarching subject but at the same time are very specific and "focused" on a very specific worry.
For example, if I was worrying about me being a bad student, I would worry about my grades during one month and then the very next think about my work ethic. And then the next month I could begin to worry about my skills and learning aptitude. Get what I am saying? All of those fears correlate to the presence of school in my life, but each month a new specific problem shows up, which sometimes causes you to completely forget about a past worry (and thus stop worrying about it) and move onto another.
And in many cases for a person with an anxiety disorder, these worries may be completely irrational and silly, as oftentimes they will be things that the victim would have not even bat an eye at in the past. A lot of these kinds of worries are what I go through; while I was completely confident in myself and free of the same worries just a year ago, now they have shown up and have been consuming my life to the point of near insanity.
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